Specializing in “Untaxing the Untaxed Portion” of Your Retirement Plan
Michael specializes in creating customized retirement income & tax planning strategies designed to provide a lifetime of tax-free income in retirement.
Graduating from Washington University in St. Louis MO., with degrees in Accounting, Finance and Economics. Within a couple of years of starting his career Michael was appointed corporate Controller of Division of a Fortune 500 company. As time passed Michael knew it was time to pursue his passion as a business owner. StoneWolfe Financial Inc. is the third successful business entry that Michael has created or co-founder.
As a corporate executive, business owner and investor, I know how fast time can slip by, taking care of the daily business requirements, ultimately leaving little time to take care of our personal financial needs.
For the last 18 years or more educating pre-retirees, retirees and retired business owners create lifetime income plans that were tax efficient. Only to discover many of them had a much larger problem facing them. A “Large Tax Burden” caused by their 401ks, 403b’s and IRA’s.
Which lead me to take on a new hat that of a “Non-taxable Wealth Strategist” trained to detect future tax issues and adapt strategies that would allow you to reduce, recapture or possibly eliminate taxes now or in the near future.
I’ve discovered, tested and validated strategies and solutions that not only allow you to reduce, recapture or possibly eliminate taxes either now or in the future.
These strategies have allowed our clients the opportunity to enjoy a life far more abundant and a far more rewarding.
We refer to this a “Lifestyle by Design”.